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May is here

Yes, May is here. Our new daughter, May Elizabeth Tate Dunstan-Daams that is :)

She was born yesterday at 11.25 AM. At 49 cm tall and 2.99 kg, she is on the small side, but she looks very healthy as you can see in the pictures below. She is also quite a peaceful little girl, and has barely cried for more than a minute a time. Not counting on that lasting, but oh well - it is great for now. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

May and her aunt Joy

Yep, she's cute :)

May, meet your brother Miles (and Bec). He's fascinated by his new sister obviously. Another photo below.

May and Grandma

May and Grandpa

Miles excited about his little sister.

May with her cousins Lucy and Mila

May with her cousin Ned

Posted by Peter 03:20

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Congrats, Peter! :)

And welcome to Travellerspoint, May!

by Hien

Congratulations, Peter and Janelle and Miles! May is so beautiful--and what a lovely name. Lots of happiness and rest for the whole family.

by tway

By the way, I thought you were going to name her Furlong or Yard.

by Hien

Great pics Peter!!

by Sam I Am

Congratulations Peter! She is a real cutie pie!!!!!

by areinstein

congratulations.....she's beautiful !!

by Rraven

What a beautiful girl! I can't wait to meet her!! Thanks for the pics Pete! Makes me feel like I'm there! :)

by jules_ah

Can't wait to come home and see such a beauty for myself; I'm sure those pics have been doctored; no one was ever that pretty

by dadmin

Congrats Pete to you and your wife. May is gorgeous! :)


by samsara_

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