No new travel reports, but Miles is getting older!
Fri 5 Oct 2007
And here are some pics for those who are interested..
Miles enjoying his football
Miles learning to stand.
Miles being harassed by me! My favourite game
Miles PJs that match his blanket.. looks strange when the two are together.
Ok, so maybe there was some travelling.. we went down to the Great Ocean Road a few weeks back. Always nice for a visit. Miles didn't seem to mind too much either. Except for the drive back that is, which he seemed particularly unhappy about!
Here's some photos from this latest visit to The Road.
Loving the new feeds; nice to be able to stay up to date and get all the photos! I think a link needs adding to 'comment on the blog' directly from the feedreader and you could even whack in the social bookmarking ones if you really want to get whacky
Back to why I wanted to comment; Miles is looking good, but where is his body on that 4th pic? Nice photoshop job LOL
Oh, and you need to fix up your CSS... hehe
by Sam I Am